Forbes Silver Co - Shirt Front Button Cup

I have my grandfathers Shirt Button Cup that says Forbes Silver Co on the bottom around what appears to be the head of a large bird with a long throat; could be an eagle, could be a chicken?. There is the number 81 stamped on the bottom, as well. There is a rather ornate cover lid with a shirt stud attached to the top. The cup is 1 1/2’ X 3" and with the cover in place, it’s 3" high.
Button Cup.jpg

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Is it of any value, unusual item in any way?
Button Cup Bottom.jpg

Unusual - possibly. As it is not marked “sterling” it is most likely, at best, electroplate so has no intrinsic value. Any value would be for collectability. There is currently one on for sale on eBay at $79.95 or best offer, but I suspect it might be more desirable than yours.