Silver Teapot help please

Hello, I got this at a flea market at the weekend but am not entirely sure what the hallmark means with regards to date and metal.
Please can you help me identify when it was made and what it is made from? I think silver plate??
Many thanks for your help in advance, Nic

I would think silver plate too, but you are going to have to give us a larger and clearer picture to work from.

HI, my camera won’t get any closer than this for the close up on the hallmark without going out of focus. Can you tell anything about the hallmark at all please from the photo I have supplied?

No, I can’t discern enough detail in your picture. If you have a magnifying glass you could try taking a picture through that - an autofocus camera will allow for the extra lens.

Sorry for delay - it has taken me a while to find a magnifying glass. Here is a close up of the hallmark. Please can someone help me to identify whether this is real silver or silver plate? And any other helpful information from the hallmark to identify the piece? Thank you

That’s much better, thanks. I’m glad my suggestion worked!

First I can confirm it is definitely silver plate. The mark on the right reads EP over NS for electroplated nickel silver. “O&BLd” is Oliver and Bower Ltd of Sheffield (which also explains the “S”). The other mark is a rhinoceros head, a trade mark of the company.

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Thank you so much, you’ve been really helpful.