Questions about a fork

My grandparents recently passed and I was given a few things. One being just a single fork, I think it’s silver, or silver plated maybe, I’m not sure. I don’t care for the worth of it or anything. Mainly cuase I’m curious of how old it may be, and who made it. There’s obviously some reason my grandma held on to it all this time, may be because someone she loved gave it to her or something. I haven’t cleaned it up yet, so please forgive the look of it. I looked up the name on the back of the fork and came up with 0 results. The name on the fork is Anette Silvore. Any info would be greatly appreciated! Thank you :slight_smile:

eeek…Sorry, after looking at alot of the other items on here I’ve seen that most have hallmarks if they are silver. This one just has a company name. So maybe it’s not very old at all? Has anyone ever even heard of Annette Silvore?

Well, I guess when all else fails look on Ebay lol… I finally found something else made from the company. Still unsure of a possible age though, and if it is silver plate or anything.
