Recently found some teaspoons with the word SCOTLAND

Recently found some teaspoons with the word SCOTLAND and a capital C on the side, also it has little dents all over the part you put in your mouth. At the top is a little pineapple. If you have any idea as to what they are or worth please let me know. in very good condition

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teaspoon in question

That ‘pineapple’ is actually a thistle, the national flower of Scotland, which would suggest that these are souvenir spoons. It is difficult to tell from the picture, but they look silverplated.

any idea on what they would be worth ?? I looked on the auction site but cant find anything similar to them

I am not sure what they would raise in Australia, but If they are silver-plated and a set of 6, I would be happy to get anything over £20 for them here in the U.K.