Any suggestions as to what i have here the bangle was dug up about 60+ years ago? I have been trying to find information for a year now, still no idea?
Thankyou so much!
Any suggestions as to what i have here the bangle was dug up about 60+ years ago? I have been trying to find information for a year now, still no idea?
Thankyou so much!
Where was it found? (What country?). I am wondering if these are pewter marks but documentation of these is not particularly comprehensive.
Well it was found in the uk, I understand in an old Italian prisoner of war camp, it is quite heavy 500g
Whole item photo, please.
It is a bit scratched, i just presumed it was silver, how would i know? The hall mark i hhahaveenlarged looked like an Egyptian one?
This is very exciting…
Tunisia, Egypt, Ottoman Empire?
No idea, the hall mark shown looked like it might have been Cairo (& a round about date) but someone here suggested it may be pewter or silver plate? How would I know?
Puzzle solved.