Hi im assuming this is some kind of anniversary gift to a shell oil member of staff (but might be wrong).
Can anyone give me any info on this item i.e. AGE, WHATS ITS USE and WOULD IT BE SILVER.
It measures roughly 7inch across and about 5 inches back and about 1 inch deep. Felt lining top and bottom on inside and felt under the base.
Also is it worth anything.
I can’t see any other marks onit other than the shell on the right hand side on the lid.
So any info would be appreciated. P. S. Looks too large to be a cigarette case.
I think it’s a promotional or souvenir product. A cigar box? A business card holder?
Yeah i had thoughts of it being a cigar case also, thanks again for the input Bartholomew, i suppose only time will tell.
Not bad for a charity shop find
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Phun, have you tried looking for signatures with a magnifying glass?
Hi Bartholomew, yes and theres nothing other than that shell(oil) mark