Hi there, I’m Jeff Herman. I know this forum will be a fantastic addition to the field, and I’m happy to entertain any questions on the care and restoration of silver. I eat, drink, and sleep silver, and I’ll probably die at the bench working on bringing a battered object back to life. I can’t imagine doing anything else!
Hi Jeff,
thanks for the enthusiastic response!!
Do you think I should create a new section called ‘silver restoration’ ? This could go next to the section on cleaning silver.
Anyway, welcome to the forum.
kind regards
Hi Jonathan,
I think a restoration area would be a jolly good idea. Let’s just make sure that the silversmiths answering the questions have the knowledge to do so. I’d be happy to be your “resident specialist.”
I too am interested in restoring silver. I have a few hair brain schemes that I think should work but would never dare risk on any of my pieces Still it would be good to know the correct way and even what restoration techniques are available.