.935 silver disc

I found this silver disc recently while metal detecting in a local park and I welcome any identification information anyone can offer.
The inside surface has the following marks from the top:

hallmark of a lion walking?
2 hallmarks of standing bears, paw raised with small lower case “n” over stamped on each bear.

On the outside surface there are 2 holes with a decorative engraving around the circumference of each.

Could it be part of a pocket timepiece.

Thanks for your time.

Finds - August 6 , 2011 silver disc front copy.jpg
Finds - August 6, 2011 - silver disk copy.jpg

It’s part of a Swiss pocket watch case.

Yes I see that now thanks, having since found another post on this site.

What about the Bear hallmarks with the lower case " n " overstamped any idea’s?

The bear is the Swiss silver standard mark for .875 silver and above; it was used from 1882 to 1934. I don’t know enough about Swiss hallmarking to tell you the significance of the ‘n’.

Thanks for that information.
It is appreciated.