About the What is it? category

Got some silverware, but you don’t know what it does?? Maybe you’re wondering about the history of a piece of silver you own?? post an image or description here and we’ll try to help!!

![15818204209038265930245545974571|666x500](upload://zgbxADqxNN1bD1IS0fTR4W0t[quote=“system, post:1, topic:6987, full:true”]
Got some silverware, but you don’t know what it does?? Maybe you’re wondering about the history of a piece of silver you own?? post an image or description here and we’ll try to help!!

What is this hallmark?

Sterling - Hammer & Crescent?
I’ve researched and can’t find anything close. I would be grateful if any advice. Thanks in advance.


Can people give me information about this silver item? I think the age will be the late 1800’s.
It comes from my husband’s grandmother.

Necklace from a deceased estate, makers mark is very had to read, it’s tiny!
Hoping someone can help.
Am new here
Thanks Lucy