B&Co Candlesticks

I have a pair of 1962 Broadway & Co silver candlesticks. They weigh around 493g each, are 225mm high, base is 100mm dia and the wood insert is 95mm dia.
I am having trouble valuing these as I know that some candlesticks are filled, but how do I determine that?
Can anybody help with a valuation please?
Thank you.

If you desperately need to know if they are filled you could try drilling a tiny hole through the base. I assume they have some weight for you to suspect filling rather than that they are completely hollow so it’s probably safe to assume that they are in fact filled.

For value check out Ebay’s completed auctions - look for candlesticks of about the same size as it’s unlikely you will find any exactly the same.


Thanks for the prompt reply Phil.
That did cross my mind, but I think I would rather just presume (as you say) they are filled.
I will check on Ebay for something similar.

Is there any way of determining the approx weight of the wooden base? Has anybody ever done a similar calculation as I can’t find a ref to this when i do a search on the site.

I have never seen any attempt to estimate the weight of a wooden base like this but I guess you could make an approximation by estimating the thickness of the wood, calculating its volume with the usual formula for a cylinder and multiplying by an average sort of wood density.


Hi Phil
Its for a fussy customer :slightly_smiling_face:
I have just found a site that does wood weight calculations and managed to calculate a rough weight of roughly 68grams per base.
Hopefully this will keep her happy.
Many thanks