Help with unknown marks please

Hi All
I am new to this forum and am hoping somebody can help identify these marks on a couple of silver or silver-plated items. They are quite worn but they are as follows:
First appears to be- a knight’s head; letters lMP in possibly old-English; some sort of triangulated circle with gears; symbol A1; 3 letters - maybe ‘spc’.
Second is very similar: knight’s head; letters IMP; triangulated circle again; symbol H1.
Thanks in advance for any help. Cheers,

Hi all
Sorry, newbe mistakes, I seem to have downloaded the same pic twice. Here are some better images.
Thanks again, cheers,

Dear ‘Tekweni’,
I am reviving this topic from three years ago!! Did you ever find out what the hall marks represented? I have a silver water/claret jug with the identical hallmarks but noone from silver collectors has responded and they don’t seem to have responded to you either. If you ever found out, please let me know. I’m at a loss.
South Africa

Hi Shelagh
I didn’t ever get much info. I believe the marks are possibly European rather than British but again not certain. The only definite info I got was that the A1 mark is for silver plate, not sterling silver. The A1 mark is for a top or high quality silver plate.
Best wishes,
Alex (Tekweni) - Durban :slight_smile:

Hi Alex. Many thanks for your reply. I know that A1 is silver plate and my jug says H1 which probably means the same. Its the other marks I’m interested in. Anyhow, many thanks for the info. If I find out anything else, I’ll let you know.
Kind regards,
Shelagh (Hermanus)

Hello from the Eastern Cape. I am new here and came across your question regarding the H1 stamp on your item, not sure if you had any luck but for just in case you didn’t :slight_smile: …. The Industrial Metal Products company: Rhodesian-Zimbabwean manufacturers of silver plated products, so you are correct re the H1 - A1 relating to plating.
Have a gorgeous day.