Identifying this serving fork

Howdy there! I am wondering what anyone can tell me about this silver serving fork. In

particular what year and make if possible. Thank you!

Probably Gorham but your picture is too blurred with too much reflection to see the details.


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Sorry about that, I can’t get a good picture of the marks on the serving fork. Here’s a better photo you can enlarge of the serving spoon. Does that help? Is there a date in the symbols?

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I’m pretty sure it’s Gorham but there is no date mark. This form of their mark is quoted as being from the last quarter of the 19th century.

You would get a clearer picture of the mark if you backed away from the subject so that you camera can auto-focus properly. Bigger is not always necessarily better!


It looks like Gorham, 1875.

Just for the heck of it I googled the name on the fork… John Sandfield Macdonald - Wikipedia

If you could connect it, that would be cool

Hello, I think the brand is J.S. MACDONALD CO - Baltimore, MD
Active in the first quarter of the 20th century.

Your fork is Gorham “Newcastle” 1895.
If it is approx. 6’ long it is a salad fork.
But you refer to it as a serving fork so it is more likely 8" long.
In that case it is a cold meat fork.
The MacDonald stamped on the back would have been the jewelry store that sold it.