Maker's mark "W E": there are too many!

Here’s a teaspoon hallmarked for London 1832. The maker’s mark is clearly “W E”. But as far as I can gather, this could be William Eaton, William Eley (of which there seem to be more than one!) or William Edwards. All their marks are “W E” in a rectangle. Can any member distinguish between them all?
Many thanks

The problem with distinguishing the WEs is that the illustrations in the standard reference work, London Goldsmiths, 1697-1837: Their Marks and Lives by Arthur Grimwade, are too small to see the details which might allow marks to be told one from another.

Thanks Phil. I’m cataloguing it as William Eaton reg. 1813, but with a caveat. There are journeyman marks on these pieces, which presupposes a sizeable firm with employees. But of course, that would also apply to the Eley families too…