Mappin and Webb Fish Set

Hello! First post here. Discovered an old family M&W canteen with assorted stuff thrown in.
First up: Mappin and Webb Fish set - 6 knives, forks plus a serving knife and fork.
Photos attached. Any thought on silver content - maybe at least cuff? And value?

Beautiful items, amazing cables, but unfortunately not silver. In fact Mappin and Webb, has silver items, but they also have silver plated items, which is the case, as it has the “EP” engraved on it, which stands for Electro Plate.

Good to know. Many thanks!

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Yes only silver plated, the A letter means A = Standard Quality = 24 grams on 12 pieces = 2 grams per table spoon or table fork;

The S&L is probably the actual makers mark or possibly the designer working for M&W, I can’t find an exact match for the mark the nearest is S Ld or S.Ld into two conjoined circles
William Suckling Ltd
Albion Street & Vyse Street, Birmingham


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S&L is normally understood to stand for Sheffield & London in this context. Many electroplaters added the initial letter of their city to their marks.