Can someone please date the hallmark of the attached photo? It is confirmed sterling by a jeweler.
Thank you for your help.
Can someone please date the hallmark of the attached photo? It is confirmed sterling by a jeweler.
Thank you for your help.
No we cannot date this because the marking is not a hallmark. It appears to be a trade mark, presumably of the American retailer/agent who had this set made (possibly E G Webster & Co). I am also very doubtful that it is sterling. Had it been sterling and made for sale in the UK it would have had a British hallmark. Alternatively, if it was for sale in the US it would almost certainly have been stamped “sterling”. I believe that it is electroplated and that your jeweller only tested the surface.
Thank you for your time. I actually have a silverplated set from E G Webster & Co. I have performed an acid test on both to see the difference. The silverplated set turned green and the other turned creamy white. I will for sure bring it to an antique place for a second look.