Sterling silver pepper pot.... Crown

Please help with the silver content and identifying the maker and how old it is. Is there any value to it?
Thanks so much for your awesome service.

The manufacturer is Crown Silver Inc of New York. Age is probably mid- to late-20th century.

Sterling is, by definition, 925 silver (i.e. 925 parts per thousand pure silver). “Weighted” means that there is a filling material to give a heavier feel in the hand; this allows manufacturers to use less silver and means of course that it is not possible to work out exactly how much silver there is and hence what the scrap value might be.

Your pepperette will certainly have some value. For an idea of how much I suggest you search Ebay’s “Sold” listings to find something similar.


Thank you Phil, your advise is invaluable to me. Have a pleasant day. Kindest regards Bev