We’ve determined that this box, maybe a snuff box? was a wedding present in 1868, but could anyone help with the three hallmarks please? Not sure where it was acquired but probably by my grandparents at some stage a good while ago! Thanks
The dedication is a later addition as your box has a Birmingham hallmark with the gothic-style date letter E for 1828/29. The maker’s mark appears to have been stamped twice, once the right way round and once upside down thus showing an E and an inverted E. For that reason I cannot say for certain who made it but I think the the second letter looks like it might be T. ET is the mark of Edward Thomason whose output certainly included boxes.
To my eyes, that handwritten label looks like it says 1828, not 1868, which would line up perfectly with the hallmark date letter.
Thank you for your comments, I’m intrigued by the repeated E then as, assuming they stamp from L to R, it was done correctly the first time
I agree, I wondered maybe the handwritten label was added by a seller at some stage Thanks for your reply
Old cursive is a challenge, but the label looks like it might say, “To somebody 1828 Love somebody else.” Just to add to the fun, the inscription on the top reads 1893. At least the hallmark is clear and reliable!
The maker’s mark was stamped by the maker before assay and then the assay office added the hallmark components. How the false stamping of the maker’s mark might have occurred can only be guessed but ET seems to be the most likely maker’s mark for a box of this date.
As the inscription in the lid is dated 1868 and the date on the outside is 25 years later I would suggest that it was re-purposed as a silver wedding gift.
That sounds a likely explanation of the gift, thank you for your comments on this
It is a challenge! Thank you for commenting