Would this EP spoon have a use!

For decoration or would this spoon have a use ?. :thinking:

Possibly a preserve spoon, although a little smaller than usual. I don’t think it would have had a purely decorative purpose being electroplated rather than silver.

You have probably already identified the manufacturer as the Potosi Silver Co.

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Didn’t identify it Phil, thought it too detailed for a preserve spoon. Thank you for the update, appreciated :wink:

Maybe a sugar spoon?

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General rule; flattish spoons are for jam which heaps. Sugar, which was powered from block used to call for a bowl or a sifter.

Household staff sometimes used to leave the spoons sitting in the usually cut glass jam pots and, depending on the material used to ensure preservation and the fruit of the jam itself, this could wreak havoc.

Any sulphurs or prolonged exposure to ascorbic acid and your spoon will suffer and the lower the silver content the more susceptible. At .800 you are 80% some base metal so make sure the scullery maid rescues the spoon from the pot and washes it before returning the jam to the larder.

Of course it you lack scullery maids, larders and limit your tea invites this problem dissolves ever quicker than the spoon otherwise would.


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